HSE Chief of Health, Safety, and Environmental Services
- Organizes and coordinates occupational safety activities at the production site, monitors compliance with legislative and regulatory acts on occupational safety in structural units, conducts preventive work to prevent occupational injuries, professional and work-related diseases, and measures to create healthy and safe working conditions at the enterprise.
- Organizes the study of working conditions at workplaces, conducts measurements of parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors, certification of workplaces and production equipment for compliance with occupational safety requirements and monitors the timely implementation of planned activities.
- Participates in the investigation of accidents and develops measures to prevent them.
- Informs employees on behalf of the employer about the state of working conditions at the workplace, as well as measures taken to protect against hazardous and harmfil production factors.
- Organizes inspections and examinations of the technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, machines, and mechanisms for compliance with legal acts on occupational safety, the efficiency of ventilation systems, the state of sanitary technical devices, sanitary and household premises, means of collective and individual protection of workers, and monitors the timely conduct of these activities.
- Controls the implementation of prescriptions of state supervision and control authorities, as well as other measures to improve working conditions.
- Ensures the conduct of introductory and periodic briefings, training, and knowledge checks on occupational safety for enterprise employees.
- Establishes communication with medical institutions, research, and other organizations on occupational safety issues and takes measures to implement their recommendations.
- Procedures for testing the produced products and obtaining certification for the company's products.
- Participates in the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards, and other ISO regulatory documents.
- Work schedule 5/2
- Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in occupational safety in engineering and managerial positions.
- Operation mode: 5/2
- Salary: from 200 000 tg.